Kirkbymoorside Primary School

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School Curriculum

Kirkbymoorside Community Primary Curriculum Intent Statement


At Kirkbymoorside Community Primary we endeavour to provide an inclusive environment ensuring children are successful learners, who are equipped with the secure foundations to lead a successful life in modern day Britain. We aim to inspire children to have high aspirations and to make positive contributions to their community. We have a bespoke curriculum, with strong community links that ensures SMSC underpins the ethos of the school and develops pupils’ moral, spiritual, social and cultural understanding well. This is evidenced through the work we complete with our various international partners.


At Kirkbymoorside Community Primary, we aim to design and provide a broad, balanced and enriched curriculum. The development is carefully planned to ensure a broad coverage and progress of all subjects across the key stages. We strive to provide a sense of awe and wonder that instils a thirst for learning therefore embedded throughout the curriculum are enrichment opportunities to make learning memorable through hands on learning experiences, hooks for learning and a variety of visits and visitors. Subject leaders play an important part in the success of the curriculum by leading a regular programme of monitoring, evaluation and review.


At Kirkbymoorside Community Primary, we use our outdoor space to complement our curriculum. Our outdoor learning enables us to build young people's independence and self-esteem through experiencing the natural world. It provides children and young people a grass roots appreciation and respect for the outdoor environment, giving learners the opportunity to engage with a woodland and pond area. Helping them build resilience, the confidence to explore their own curiosities and develop an appreciation for their local surroundings.


Sport has a high profile at Kirkbymoorside Community Primary and pupils are introduced to a variety of activities. The children are taught a wide range of skills including rugby, street dance, basketball and fitness. Opportunities for children to participate competitively with other schools across the area and district enable them to develop resilience, build confidence and team building. The Sainsbury’s Active Gold Mark celebrates the diverse sporting activities that the children take part in.


Additionally, Kirkbymoorside Community Primary provides extended school provision. To promote physical health and wellbeing, a range of clubs give learners an opportunity to access a wide variety of clubs after school hours and during lunch times. Music participation is a particular strength of the school. Our brass band and singing club regularly attend community events.


Long Term Plans

 Y1 2 Kirkbymoorside Long Term Plan - Year A.pdfDownload
 Y3 Kirkbymoorside Long Term Plan.pdfDownload
 Y4 5 Kirkbymoorside Long Term Plan - Year A.pdfDownload
 Y6 Kirkbymoorside Long Term Plan.pdfDownload
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