Kirkbymoorside Primary School

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(Personal, social, health education and relationships and sex education)

Our aim is to inspire children to live healthy, happy lives filled with wonder and joy as well as the tools to overcome conflict and adversity with understanding, dignity and respect. 


At Kirkbymoorside Community Primary School, we believe that PSHCE education is a crucial component of our curriculum and is essential in supporting the holistic development of our pupils. Our PSHCE curriculum is designed to provide our pupils with the knowledge, skills, and attitudes needed to lead healthy, happy, and fulfilling lives.  As British citizens we ensure the core values are upheld and valued by the children. We aim to provide a safe and inclusive learning environment where pupils feel valued, respected, and able to thrive. Our PSHCE curriculum is designed to be engaging, relevant, and meaningful to our pupils and to meet their individual needs and circumstances. We also recognise the importance of working in partnership with parents, carers, and external agencies to provide a comprehensive and holistic approach to PSHCE education. 


Our PSHCE curriculum is delivered through a range of teaching and learning strategies, including explicit PSHCE lessons, cross-curricular links, assemblies, using social interactions, global events and conflict resolutions as teaching points and whole-school initiatives. We use a range of high-quality resources and materials, external speakers and visits, and online resources to support the delivery of our curriculum. 

We ensure that our PSHCE curriculum is progressive and sequenced, building on pupils' prior knowledge and experiences, and is sensitive to the needs of all our pupils, including those with additional needs or circumstances. We adapt the timing and content of our teaching to ensure that pupils’ learning reflects the issues they are facing and they have the resilience and strength of character to face adversity with dignity and understanding whilst keeping themselves and others healthy and safe. Our PSHCE curriculum is underpinned by the fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, mutual respect, and tolerance of different faiths and beliefs. 

Our PSHCE curriculum is broken down into three key areas: 

Health and Wellbeing: We aim to help our pupils develop the knowledge, skills, and attitudes needed to make informed choices about their physical and mental health and well-being. This includes learning about healthy eating, physical activity, sleep, and emotional well-being. Pupils are given the chance to explore and reflect upon their spiritual, moral, social and cultural development.  We also cover topics such as puberty, relationships, and consent, ensuring that our pupils are equipped with the knowledge and skills they need to stay safe and make positive choices. 

Relationships: We aim to help our pupils develop positive and respectful relationships with others. This includes learning about friendship, bullying, and diversity, as well as understanding different types of relationships and the importance of consent. We also teach our pupils about how to communicate effectively, resolve conflicts, and manage their emotions. 

Living in the Wider World: We aim to help our pupils develop the knowledge, skills, and attitudes needed to be responsible and active citizens. This includes learning about different cultures and religions, as well as understanding their rights and responsibilities. We also cover topics such as money management, careers, and enterprise, ensuring that our pupils are equipped with the knowledge and skills they need to succeed in the wider world. 


Our PSHCE curriculum has a positive impact on the personal, social, health, and economic development of our pupils. By the end of their time at our school, we expect our pupils to: 

  • Have a good understanding of their own emotions and how to manage them effectively. 
  • Be able to form positive relationships with others, based on mutual respect and understanding. 
  • Have a good knowledge and understanding of healthy lifestyles, including healthy eating, exercise, sleep, and hygiene. 
  • Be aware of the risks associated with drugs, alcohol, and other harmful substances, and know how to keep themselves safe. 
  • Understand the importance of personal safety, including e-safety, road safety, and fire safety. 
  • Have a good knowledge and understanding of different cultures, religions, and lifestyles, and be able to celebrate diversity. 
  • Have a good understanding of their rights and responsibilities as citizens and be able to make positive contributions to their communities. 
  • Have an awareness of different career paths and the skills and qualities needed for success in the world 

We also recognise the importance of assessing the impact of our PSHCE curriculum, and regularly evaluate its effectiveness through pupil feedback, teacher observations and analysis of pupil outcomes. We use this information to make any necessary changes to our curriculum and teaching approaches, in order to ensure that we continue to provide high-quality PSHE education that meets the needs of our pupils. We believe that our PSHCE curriculum is preparing our pupils well for the challenges and opportunities they will face in the future, and is helping them to become confident, responsible and well-rounded citizens. 

Kirkbymoorside CP School RSE and PSHCE Policy