Kirkbymoorside Primary School

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School Curriculum

Kirkbymoorside Community Primary Curriculum Intent Statement


At Kirkbymoorside Community Primary we endeavour to provide an inclusive environment, ensuring children are successful learners who are equipped with the secure foundations to lead a successful life in modern day Britain. We aim to inspire children to have high aspirations and to make positive contributions to society. We have a bespoke curriculum, with strong community links, that ensures children learn about and contribute to the success of the local, national and global communities that they belong to. Through all we do, we hope to instil a sense of pride, curiosity and kindness. 

At Kirkbymoorside Community Primary, we aim to design and provide a broad, balanced and enriched curriculum. The development is carefully planned to ensure a broad coverage and progress of all subjects across the key stages. We strive to provide a sense of awe and wonder which instils a thirst for learning. Therefore, embedded throughout the curriculum, are enrichment opportunities to make learning memorable through hands on learning experiences, hooks for learning and a variety of visits and visitors. We want our children to be responsible, respectful and active members of society and opportunities to do this are embedded throughout our curriculum. Subject leaders play an important part in the success of the curriculum by leading a regular programme of monitoring, evaluation and review. 

We believe that the core skills are essential for children to succeed in every area of the curriculum and therefore the teaching of reading, writing and maths have a high priority. We use a mastery approach, ensuring that learning is accessible for all and that all children are challenged to deepen their knowledge, understanding and acquisition of skills. Quality texts, which enrich the broad and balanced curriculum and inspire a love of reading, are core to our design.

At Kirkbymoorside Community Primary, we use our outdoor space to complement our curriculum. Our outdoor learning enables us to build young people's independence and self-esteem through experiencing the natural world. It provides children and young people with a grass roots appreciation and respect for the outdoor environment. Encouraging children to find out about, appreciate, respect and protect the world and its inhabitants is key. Therefore, when planning the curriculum, we have embedded aspects of sustainability and are proud to be an Eco school. Helping our children build resilience, the confidence to explore their own curiosities and develop an appreciation for their local surroundings (and the benefits that being a valued member of society and enjoying the natural wonders can have on their own well being) is core to our curriculum.

In addition, Sport and Music have a high profile at Kirkbymoorside Community Primary and pupils are introduced to a variety of activities.: We have a PE specialist in school and the children benefit from having a sports teacher who can inspire them to be their best in both their physical and mental development. Opportunities for children to participate competitively with other schools across the area and district enable them to develop resilience, build confidence and team building skills. Inclusive sports events build understanding and respect for those with differences and our sports leaders contribute positively to our school community. We also have a music specialist, who teaches children a range of skills, an appreciation for music and the mental health benefits it can bring. As well as this, children are given the opportunity to master and develop their musical talents. Throughout their time at Kirkbymoorside Community Primary, all children will have the opportunity to learn to play a wind, brass and string instrument, with extra-curricular clubs available to anyone who wants to progress further with these. 

Long Term Plans

EYFS Long Term Plan

KS1 and KS2 Long term plan